• info@realtytokenized.io
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Tokenize Assets

Tokenize Asset
  • Property Information
  • Property Files

Schedule Your Tokenization Consultation

At Realty Tokenized, we are committed to pioneering the integration of blockchain technology with real estate transactions, offering you the innovative opportunity to tokenize your property assets. Tokenization transforms the value of your property into a digital version of it, providing a novel way to manage and trade real estate assets on the blockchain but also giving you a second layer of verification of ownership.

Why a Consultation is Necessary:

  • Legal Verification:
    Before we embark on the journey of tokenizing your property, it is crucial to ensure that all legal aspects are thoroughly vetted. Costa Rican law requires a comprehensive verification process to confirm that you are the rightful owner of the asset in question. This step is fundamental to maintaining the integrity and legality of the tokenization process.

  • Understanding the Process:
    Tokenizing a property is a multifaceted procedure that involves more than just the technical aspects of blockchain. It encompasses legal, financial, and regulatory dimensions that must be clearly understood. During our consultation, we will guide you through each step, ensuring you are fully informed and comfortable with the process.

  • Customized Strategy:
    Each property and owner’s situation is unique. Our meeting will allow us to tailor a tokenization strategy that aligns with your specific needs and goals, as well as ensuring compliance with Costa Rican real estate laws.

  • Building Trust:
    Your trust is our priority. Direct consultation allows us to build a relationship with you, answer your questions in real-time, and provide you with the confidence to move forward with the tokenization of your asset.

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Realty Tokens

We are excited to introduce our new Points System that

rewards you for every action you take within the

Realty Tokenized platform.

Accumulate these points and later exchange them for exclusive

RT tokens, unlocking a world of benefits in the real estate and

blockchain space.

Here's a breakdown of how you can earn points:

More coming soon..

Earn $100 with Realty Tokenized! Share & Grow with Our Referral Program

We’re excited to introduce brand-new Referral Program at Realty Tokenized! This is a perfect opportunity for you to earn a  reward while helping your friends and colleagues discover the benefits of our innovative Academy.

Here’s how it works: